Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Diet and Groceries

It's clear to me that my diet and grocery shopping needs some work. It is just my husband and I and we're spending simply too much on food. Granted I know groceries are expensive and the cost of them are rising, I have spoken to several people and feel like we can cut down the price about $150. Which would about equal up to the short small trips to the local store. Instead I would like to plan out my meals so I don't forget anything and so that I know what I am to be cooking every night, or at least... Think I know what I should be cooking anyways.

I wanted to share with you this link that I found. It has Excel templates that allow you to make your own meal planner and it also can create a grocery list off of that. How cool is that? It does it automatically.

The link is:

For today's grocery shopping I won't be able to test this out as I have run out of ink for my printer. Yay! But I did want to take the time so share it all with you. I hope you find it helpful.

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