Friday, October 29, 2010

Tea Time

Yogi Tea Wisdom of the day "You can run after satisfaction, but satisfaction must come from within."

How true is this?!!!! So true if you ask me.

My love affair with Yogi tea came at a time when I was very sick and I didn't know why. I was going on 2 months of stomach upset. I could barely keep food down. I went to see all different kinds of doctors and did all sorts of tests. Basically they decided I had Fatty Liver Syndrome. I mean it wasn't bad enough that I was so obese, but now it was spreading to my organs. I knew I had to do something. It was getting out of hand and I was loosing control.

So I started this tea regimen. It was called, "Yogi Detox", for the detoxification and cleansing of the kidneys and liver. I drank until my heart was content. I had 2-3 a night and very rarely did a day go by with out tea. I lost 30lbs while I was sick. I considered this a negative weight loss. I considered it unhealthy because I was not in control and it was due to being sick. I was happy non the less, but in my heart I knew this was not a good thing.

At the end of that 30 lbs weight loss my liver numbers returned to average or "normal". I counted my blessings and gave credit to the detox tea. Ever since I swear by this tea. I now have many different flavors such as "Muscle Recovery- For an active body", "Vitality - To increase stamina", and "Joint Comfort".

It was last year when I realized I was going to loose years on my life if I kept letting myself go. I started walking then, but barely broke a sweat. I still tried. I know that it was the act of just going outside and doing it was the hardest for me. Sometimes weeks would go by when I wouldn't get one walk in, but I'd pick it up again, I never gave up. And here I am 30 lbs down by my choice. Being active and changing my life for the better. I know that this road is going to be a long process. I also know it's not going to be easy, but I am determined. I already feel so much better, and feel like I CAN accomplish things and have achievements of my very own.

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