Monday, October 25, 2010

Getting Motivated and finding a "New Normal."

So after the grueling work out I received last Thursday, it literally took me days for my muscles to recover. I had little to no motivation to go out and even walk. I did manage to paint my bathroom, however barely got through that. It hurt just to lift my arms. Stomach muscles hurt that I hadn't used in ages. So I didn't go out and do anything. I sort of regret not at least going for a walk or something.

So today, with the fog rolled in and blanketed over the town. I got together with a friend and went out on a walk. I knew she would push me to go further then I normally did, also push me to go a little harder then I normally do too. And it worked. I went double my normal route, which also in turn told me I needed to extend my route by doubling it regularly. I could tell my body needed that extra push. I needed to start pushing to my limits. Finding my limits will be the most difficult part of this. For the longest time I've stopped short before I reached my limit..... and now I am trying to push past it. Both my mind and body are working against me. It just isn't "normal" for me. So the whole idea is to find a new normal. What an idea. Finding a new normal for my new healthy self.

So my motivation is back, and now I want to even go out and do another route again later this evening. It's amazing how one work out can change your outlook on things. I love it!

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME! So glad we walked. I'll try and sneak out to go with you this afternoon without the baby! :-) After 4pm probably!


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