Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fun Size? or Bucket Size?

I've been thinking about this for a while now. It was only until recently that I realized my thinking was completely wrong.

With Halloween coming close, and candy coming out of my nose, I see "fun size" on the small packages of candy. I would always think to myself, "Ha! Fun Size, Nahh, fun size is bucket size!". I thought that the marketing for getting less then normal was genius. It made people feel..... "fun". Like they were having a party. Just because "Fun Size" was printed on the package. I felt like I was the only one who realized the lie they were portraying, tricking us into enjoying a smaller portion.

It wasn't until THIS Halloween that I realized it was MY thinking that was wrong. Thinking that I needed a huge portion for it to really be fun. As if barfing sounded like a good time to me? It seriously wasn't until I started out on this healthy journey that I realized what was so fun about the smaller sizes. For one. You can sample at least 3 small packages before you eat the total of one regular size candy bar. Also, You can enjoy a small portion of just one small package, and not have the guilt associated with eating a regular size candy bar. But there is one problem. These small packages can be tricky. If you don't pay attention, you can also eat too many thinking that they are just so small and harmless, that by the time the day is through you've eaten enough to equal 2 regular size or king size bars.

With my stomach smaller, and used to more healthy food, I find that it doesn't take much for me to be satisfied with something that is "not healthy". On a different note, If I eat too much junk, I also get sick. It's sort of a psychical repercussion of making poor choices. My body is working with me now, and lets me know when I've over done it, or when I should stop. I find it amazing how now, I can feel when I start getting full and stop. Instead of this empty bottomless feeling. It's amazing how our bodies adapt. Thank God for healthy eating, and healthy bodies.

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