Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Life is like a race....

I can feel it. I'm on my last mile, headed towards the finish line. Another year passed by. Breathless, and exhausted I crave the family gatherings at the end of a year like a vacation. Legs like noodles, barely holding my weight, striving, reaching for that finish line. 

The idea of making a new years resolution haunts me. I never believed in making a resolution, because they never stuck. But then again, I also never believed in working out, and here I am, considering myself a runner.

I don't know what it is, but I am restless. Sort of anxious. I wander around the house looking for things to do, yet, at the same time I don't feel like doing it. It's a funny time of year, when the sun is out only for a few hours, and the darkness falls around us at 4:30pm. Stuck in a house for the entire evening, Boredom sets in. Beginning to miss the long summer days, when the sun is out until 8pm. Allowed to roam the streets and play outside in the dirt until late evening hours. Moving, stretching our body to it's fullest and soaking up the sun. Fruit on total and full display, veggies at full flavor. I am beginning to miss the Summer time.

Don't get me wrong, I love the winter, but I feel like it's full of waiting.Like the trees waiting to blossom in spring, and the bulbs waiting to come up. Then there is myself, waiting for better weather, waiting for the good fruits and veggies to come, meanwhile eating foods that I really shouldn't like casseroles, and roasts.

I am realizing this is my home stretch, and now is the most important time to NOT GIVE UP! There was a quote that came to me the other day, "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." Right now I feel like giving up. My motivation is sooo lacking. And when this quote came to me I knew this was very important for me. 

I feel like hibernating. The cold weather whips my body when I run, it's hard to get started, but feels oh so good when I am done.

So people, I am at my last straight stretch. I'm still not sure if I am going to make a resolution but I am headed towards the finish line none the less.

This last year has taught me discipline, humility, strength, forgiveness, and patience. I believe this year has had the most growth then most years in my life. Amazing what God has done in my life. He has taken away so much, yet given so much back in return. 

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